CIC Newsletter Volume 11 (On Going Global through A Strategic Vision)

P r e s i d e n t ’ s  C o r n e r

On Going Global through A  Strategic Vision

Experts interviewed today rate the following drivers as leading influencers in educational management:

– Globalization

– Technology and  learning contents – as  driving  business intelligence

– Performance management model as value  and cost based metrics

– Access to well trained and experienced  knowledge workers

At Concordia Global, connectivity through globalization is changing the perception in our campus locations and redefining the future of education. We deliver our products by partnering with schools and integrating our on line courses into their curriculum.  Our thrust  in online diploma courses  along with our newly developed learning contents is changing our traditional modes of operations to meet the expectations of our students and graduates. As an  education provider of the future, Concordia Global  must go beyond task oriented accomplishment to become a  strategic, collaborative partner whose driven insights can help our graduates locally and globally make informed decisions. The future is less about space and location- but more on the delivery of a strategic vision through  service and collaboration.

This is how we move ahead!

Violeta Jerusalem, MBA, Doctor of Education

Concordia -Philippines

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