CIC Newsletter Volume 14 (CIC Australia’s Leadership Philosophy)

C I C  A u s t r a l i a ’ s  L e a d e r s h i p  P h i l o s o p h y

CIC Australia is another step on our way in building a world class college.  Immersed with Concordia  Global’s  belief in an educational institution that adapts quickly and can transfer knowledge rapidly and efficiently,  CIC Australia will give students and graduates a huge competitive advantage in  the global environment.

Thus, CIC Australia will enhance relations by developing academic and cultural interchange in the areas of education, research, and other activities and collaborate with  academic institutions in this part of the globe  in working  toward the internationalisation of education. 

Hence, the leadership philosophy of CIC Australia  and its  “driver” for excellence is that “There’s always more than one way to achieve excellence”. CIC Australia will work closely with schools, organisations and other entities  to ensure that the courses being offered  meet the needs of students in the  local, regional, and global economy.

‘‘ If we  have something great to offer, we will be valued highly..

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