CIC Newsletter Volume 16 – Diploma in BDEV – Education that works by embracing the challenge!

The graduates proudly displayed their diploma on the day when they emerged as winners on what it means
to be a learner again. Continuing education indeed is a lifelong

Concordia ‘s  fundamental task brought to light is to make the graduates  capable of joint performance
through common goals, common values, the right structure. Through training and development,
they can better perform and  respond to change in their
Oganisation.  In tough economic times,
the focus of training is doing business in the  21st century. The Concordia
 curricula  programs
to the Bank’s  challenges through the power of innovation.
Business cannot afford to move its
 focus  too far from the sustainability agenda even in short term.

We congratulate the first set of  graduates to receive the Diploma in Business and  Development  as  the 

June 7 , 2013 will always be remembered as a special day in the history of Land Bank Philippines and
that of Concordia Global, an YOU were all part of it. Congratulations to everyone involved in making
it such a memorable culmination 
on the first set of  Managers Training.

We acknowledge  the  presence of everyone  who made the event a success.
. Marisen Jerusalem as the Commencement Speaker, the President and CEO of Land Bank Philippines,
the Graduates,  the CIC Staff , the 
honoured guests –  Mr. Manny Ligaya, Mr. Bradford Martinez,
Dr. Linda Dejarme of
MLQU University, Dr. Lilian Enriquez of Arellano University,
Mr. Jayson Pan Yong Choi of Hyundai Rotem Company Seoul Korea, Mr. Hyun Mook Cho, Dae Han College

and  Mr. Jin Hyun Dong, Executive Director of Concordia .

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