CIC Newsletter Volume 19 – AT THE SUMMIT: Accelerating Success

AT THE SUMMIT:  Accelerating Success

The Concordia International College has produced graduates in Diploma in TESOL

through the Concordia E learning curriculum  from its  standing partner  the

HELP English Language Institute Inc.  located at Longlong Lamtang Road La Trinidad Benguet,  literally  at the summit of the  Benguet Mountain Province in the Philippines .

The 47 teachers of HELP celebrated success on September 17, 2013 during  Concordia’s  4th Commencement on TESOL Diploma. No less than its CEO of HELP Institute, Husky Ryu,  delivered the commencement address as he proudly congratulated the graduates and reiterated his Company’s mission and vision. CEO Husky  stressed  the Company’s  responsibility and willingness to meet the evolving needs of HELP teachers as lifelong learners.

“By investing on the teachers’ education, the teachers in turn will give much of themselves to the organization they belong. This Commencement event   represents a change journey over the years that you are here in  HELP Institute Inc. We are grateful to  Concordia International College for its continuing education program which  provided a pathway for lifelong learners  that  will make a positive difference to the HELP teachers’  ability to focus and deliver excellent services to their students”

….… CEO Husky of HELP , excerpt of his  Commencement address

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