CIC Newsletter Volume 21 – A CLOSER LOOK

A CLOSER LOOK: The Graduation Experience

On November 25, 2013,  Concordia International College honoured its graduates, majority are international students and a few HELP teachers as they received their TESOL diploma  at the  newest Concordia  campus in Longlong, Lamtang Road, La Trinidad Benguet Philippines.

The first impression when walking into the function room  was “ absolute pride of being the Concordia Alumni “. The venue reflected tone and standard of excellence for the evening. The CEO of Concordia, David Kang and the CEO f HELP English Language Institute, Husky Ryu,  attended the evening and congratulated the graduates on their extraordinary effort, commitment and passion to their craft as   they received their diploma . CEO Kang and CEO Ryu presented the outstanding awards  to Registrar Cynthia Carandang, and Mr. Doy Ordono of  HELP  in  recognition of their invaluable contribution to Concordia International College.

After President  Violeta Jerusalem of Concordia Global  conferred officially to  the  graduates their TESOL Diploma,  CEO Husky, as the  Commencement  Speaker of the evening , emphasized the value of their achievement as  proof of their handworks. Their studies at the College give them a sense of purpose which strengthens their place in the world.

Making the event memorable, one of the Korean graduates responded to the challenge by saying that

“When I started TESOL, I think that I can’t do it. I heard about the word of TESOL. I was not sure if I can do it. Anyway, I had to do TESOL, but it was difficult so I wanted to give up. However my teacher gave me some advice and help to do reports and quizzes. Finally, I will get a diploma. It is compulsory at first however that is a big help for me. From now on it will help me when I study English.

I sincerely appreciate Concordia International College because they gave me a chance of getting  TESOL diploma. I’m so thankful and grateful for that. Thank you again“. 

Congratulations to the Graduates , to the HELP administration, the Concordia staff, the honoured guests  and to everyone involved in making  the  ceremony a significant event for Concordia!

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