Concordia College of Benguet Applies for 4 New Degree Programs


Concordia College of Benguet never stops in offering education, and at this point, we strive to offer another 4 year degree programs as we apply in Commission on Higher Education (CHED) another 4 programs, the BA English, BA Theology, BS Tourism and BS Real Estate. These 4 programs will be an addition to our 2 existing programs to deliver education at its best.

It was last September 26, 2014 that the first CHED visit took place. We provided all the requirements for AB English and AB Theology, as we were directed that only this two programs will be evaluated by the CHED officers. The Staff, Program Heads and Dean guided the CHED officers as they meticulously observe the college and the papers we submitted. We were excited with this meeting as it will put us forward to the next level of offering quality education. It was a half day event, that concluded as they provided us minor things that we need to work on and improve for the success of the CHED application. We assure everyone that we will do all in our power to comply and be able to have CHED certification and approval to offer the said 2 programs.

On the other hand, we will still apply for the remaining 2 programs which are BS Tourism and BS Real Estate as soon as we were able to get affirmation from CHED with the first 2 programs that we applied for. We will never stop on dreaming big, because we can’t afford to see students to dream little.

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