Dr. Jon Young Lee attended the 110th Anniversary of the Filipino – Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc in Manila, Philippines

Dr. Jon Young Lee attended the 110th Anniversary of the Filipino – Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc in Manila, Philippines

Filipino – Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Incorporated (FCGCCI) was established last 1904 making it the oldest Chinese business organization in the Philippines. It aimed to provide assistance to our fellow Filipinos in times of need, especially during natural calamities and other form of help that was brought to their attention. The trading and business relationship of the two countries rooted way back to each other’s ancestors more than a century ago. Through the years doing business and friendship together, the bond of these two countries had already been strengthened and promulgated by their predecessors. The organization like FCGCCI only proves the existence of a strong connection between Filipinos and Chinese. There were many challenges and conflicts faced by the organization, but FCGCCI still stands tall and proud, helping and supporting as they did 100 years ago, continuing the legacy they started and still continue to do in the Philippines.

As part of Concordia International University Commitment to bring forth world class innovation, development and new opportunities, we collaborate and engaged to other institutions that have the same vision for our fellow Filipinos. FCGCCI participates in civic and charitable projects and other social activities, Concordia International University on the other hand, focused in helping young minds by giving quality education to aspiring Filipino youth.

In FCGCCI’s 110th Anniversary with Dr. James G. Dy as the Chairman emeritus, Concordia International University celebrated with them as they commemorate more than a century of strengthening Filipino-Chinese business relations and promoting Filipino’s economic growth. Prominent people and organizations all over the world were gathered and attended the occasion. The celebration was held last November 19, 2014 at Sofitel Philippines Plaza Hotel, Manila. The theme of its 110th Anniversary was “SURGING TOWARDS ECONOMIC GROTWH and INTERGRATION. Ambassador Zhao Jianhua of the People’s Republic of China was the keynote speaker. Concordia representatives who were present during the event wereVice President of Concordia International University USA  Jon Young Lee and CEO David Kang, Concordia College of Benguet, Marketing Director Zarah De Vera, Research Professor of Concordia Japan Campus Masaki Hattori and Administrative Staff Gisela Mingoy.

Dr. James G. Dy requested the presence of Dr. Jon Young Lee,Vice President of Concordia International University USA, Director of Concordia Global and Education Committee for Concordia International University Korea to attend the prestigious annual gathering. Dr. Lee has the same advocacy with FCGCCI, participating actively in the civic and charitable projects as well as social activities.

Dr. Lee enjoyed the night. Guests were serenaded by songs and entertained by dance numbers showing Filipino and Chinese customs and traditions. During this social affair Dr. Lee met well known personalities in the Philippines like Chairman Richard Gordon of Philippines Red Cross. Dr. Lee’s presence was greatly appreciated by the Filipino – Chinese Community.

Dr. Lee extends his sincerest gratitude to the Chamber’s invitation. He congratulates the Filipino-Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc. on its 110th Anniversary and wishes them all the best as they continue to give invaluable support and unwavering commitment and dedication in pushing the goals and objectives of the Chamber toward to the next millennium. May the Chamber continue to play an active role in further strengthening Filipino-Chinese  business relations and promoting country’s economic growth.

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