CIU Offers Learning Environment Specialist Certificate Program

Concordia International University Offers Learning Environment Specialist Certificate Program

Concordia International University continues to develop more programs this year. Concordia is dedicated  to offer new  programs that will help teachers around the world to have continuing education. Through this, the University is honing the skills and knowledge of  educators.

Concordia’s newest program  offering is Learning Environment Specialist Certificate Program. This program will help educators understand the key principles of designing innovative learning environments.

A good learning environment is very important to make study experience helpful in  acquisition of knowledge and skills. Providing a rich learning environment is essential in schools. This helps optimize wellbeing. It gives a positive learning behavior to the students which make them excited, ready and willing to study well.

Learners of this program will envision how educational facilities can most effectively support learning. Furniture, noise, lighting and other environmental components can influence the learning of students in a school. This program is designed to help educators explore the challenges of designing spaces that enabled personalized learning for students in all ages.

This program is for four weeks with 60 hours. Graduates of this program will earn Certificate in Learning Environment Specialist from Concordia International University. Gaining a certificate and managing the value of it will help ensure a successful career voyage.

For more information regarding the certificate program, you may email

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