College Opening School Year 2016-2017

The beginning of the school year is an exciting time for students, and the whole campus community, for it is another step forward towards the students’ better futures. As Concordia International College does every year, an orientation with the students and the faculty members was conducted on September 8, 2016 at the college’s Audio and Visual Room on the 7th floor at 9:00 am. The primary aim of this orientation was to give the students a good mental picture of what to expect and follow for school year 2016-2017.

Kicking off the orientation was Dr. Rosemary Basbas, MaEd, PhD, from the AB English Department with the invocation, which was then preceded by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem led by Carl Jeffry Cabato, RPT.

Concordia College of Benguet’s CEO David Kang delivered encouraging opening remarks and got everybody started with the introduction of the college’s mission, vision, objectives and core values.

The first department to present was the Registrar Services, which is managed by Ms. Carmen Dolinta, who then tackled the processes and regulations involved in student application and registration, student record services, and other Registrar Services matters that the students and their parents needed to be aware of.

Next to get on the stage was Ms. Gisela Mingoy, RN, representing medical and dental services. She discussed the department’s functions and the services they can provide for the students, including intervention with actual and potential health problems, case management services, and other matters relating to overall campus health and safety.

Situations that may involve the intervention or participation of the Guidance and Counseling Services were addressed by School Guidance Counselor, Consuelo Pagaduan, RPT, MaEd, RGC.

Desiree Balantac, RPT, and Helen Alis, MBA, from Faculty and Administration took the floor in turn for the discussion of Concordia’s other auxiliary services, namely the dormitory services, and food and transportation services.

For the last part of the program, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and SAO Officer in Charge Ramsay Colorado, CPA, MBA, talked about the services offered by the Student Affairs Office and delivered inspiring and motivating closing remarks to conclude this year’s orientation.

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