Concordia Senior High School Christmas Celebration

Christmas season is truly a big deal, as it is time to be merry. It is something we all look forward to, whether you be a student, a teacher, a staff member, a dean, or an official.

It is no different in Concordia College of Benguet Senior High School. We may be serious in and focused on our work and studies, but one thing’s for sure: We know when and how to party.

On December 23, 2016, Concordia College of Benguet Senior High School held its very first Christmas party. Unlike in other schools where the parties take place in only a couple of hours, we spent at least six hours for this very exciting event. The party was set in two locations: the school’s open ground and the classrooms. It began at 8:00 am and ended at 2:00 pm.

A Christmas party isn’t a party if there are no performances, games, prizes, and, never to be forgotten, food. The fun activities were held at the open ground. Our students never shy away from the dance stage, so we had some groups who did some delightful and entertaining dance performances.

We also had several fun-filled games as part of the program. Speaking of the games, they were in no way, shape, or form the normal Trip-to-Jerusalem types of games, which are too common that they have become tired clichés.

We had this “Talong at Kamatis Game,” which is a technically relay game that involves the use of talong and kamatis. Talong is the Filipino word for eggplant or aubergine, and kamatis is for tomato. The goal of this game is to be the first to reach the finish line by taking a swing at the tomato using an eggplant that is hung between the legs, through the use of a string whose other end is tied around the waist.

Another game we played was “The Longest Line,” a game in which players are divided into groups and the groups should make their own line using stuff that they were wearing. The group with the longest line wins. We also played a wholesome version of this game in which, instead of clothes, paper was used.

After these games, prizes were awarded to students and teachers who participated.

The last part of the day was dedicated to a delicious, festive meal, which was done in the students’ respective classrooms.

December 23 was the last school day of 2016. After the party, everybody at the senior high school safely headed home for a much needed and long sought-after relaxing two-week Christmas and New year vacation. See you all in 2017!

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