Dr. Harry An Lee

Last February 2018, CEO of International Politics of Diplomatic Association had a meeting with David Kang, CEO of Concordia International Corporation.

About Dr. Harry An Lee

Dr. Harry An Lee is current CEO of International Association of Politics and Diplomacy and author of more than 30 renowned articles, books, dissertations on patriotism of Korean Peninsula. Dr. Lee is a promoter of the united Korean peninsula and powerful figure of leading the doctrine of patriotism in the country.

  In 1960, Dr. Lee risked his life participating in 419 Revolution for pro-democracy movement for South Korean government as a student and continued to involve in the ideology movements of anti-communist.

In 1980, he successfully brought back the remains of South Korean bodies that were forced to labor and death in Japan to Korean National Cemetery; and in 1985, Dr. Lee received the Peace Memorial Hall Award from the United States Congress.

Dr. Harry An Lee immigrated to United States of America in 2000 for the purpose of promoting Korea Peninsula to the International community. He visited and met the leaders of the country and helped multiple campaigns including the presidential campaign of Hilary Clinton. His message towards the wrong ideology of PAX America and the country’s isolation from the International community brought many agreements among the media and leaders of U.S.A.

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