Global Age, Global Talent

Top Up (theincorporation into the last grade)

Concordia offers foundation, diploma and higher diploma courses under various disciplines; these are designed to specifically assist individuals in their field of work. Furthermore, we offer our higher diploma courses in training centers at Canada, Boston, Philippines. Some of the courses we offer are as follows:

Foundation Courses

The above foundation is a UK-inspired study course designed to fill the gap between your current level of qualification and knowledge and the level needed to be admitted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at an international university.

Diploma Courses

This diploma is a certificate issued by an Concordia, that testifies that the recipient has successfully completed a particular course of study.

Higher Diploma

The Higher Diploma is an academic award by Concordia. The award is at the same level as an Associate Degree or Diploma/Advanced Diploma Qualifications Framework Level 4, but below the standard of a Bachelor’s Degree.

UK – China University Dual Degree

About Hebei Finance University

With over enrollment of 12,000 students each year, Hebei Finance University stands as one of the top financial institute in China. It was founded in 1952 as a Public University and have affiliation to People’s Bank of China, with over 80% of the administrative members being graduate students from Hebei Finance University. HFU is located in Baoding, and offer courses and programs leading to bachelor degrees and post-graduate degrees.

The program was developed by partnership between Concordia College of Benguet and Hebei Finance University as 4 year dual degree program. Students can study their first two years in HFU, learning Chinese, English, and business administration courses as their Diploma course. Afterwards, they can transfer to Concordia College of Benguet, studying 1 year of Higher Diploma with intensive ESL. On their final year, they can transfer to U.K. national universities (University of College Birmingham, Coventry University, Anglia Ruskin University, and many more). The students who graduate from the program will not only have experiences in living in 3 different countries, but also have English and Chinese languages mastered on academic level. The graduating students will receive degrees from both institutes: Hebei Finance University and U.K. national universities.

In summary:

  • Hebei Finance University + UK Public Universities
  • Four years, two degrees at the same time
  • Low-cost tuition at a domestic university level
  • Spoken in three advanced languages (English/Chinese/Korean)

United States Aviation Study Abroad (USA)

Concordia International University has a corporate philosophy of studying aviation that many individuals can attend. All students are awarded scholarships to help them enter the aeronautical departments of prestigious universities in the United States. As a first-choice country, which accounts for 30% of the total number of students in the world, it is possible for us to choose a state university that meets our students’ needs. Recently, the aviation industry in Asian countries, especially Korea, has been booming through differentiation, such as the continuous growth of low cost airlines (LCC) and the purchase of new airplanes of large airlines (FSC). National airline companies want to hire qualified applicants, but many students are producing a lot of job candidates because they do not have a road map for airline work and apply for an airline only with a license. Students who apply to the program will be able to work with the airline relatively easily with excellent grades and the specifications required by the airlines through thorough management. I hope to become a proud Korean who will be able to play a leading role in the future aviation industry with the advanced aviation education through this program which is very economical and competitive.

US University Scholarship Program (USA)

What is the US State Scholarship Program?

It is an epoch-making study program that selects students with certain qualifications and earns an in-state tuition or scholarship from a US citizen. If you are a student, you can apply for a new or transfer to the US State University without any financial burden. 1 Program Features Economical program to study at about $ 18,000 per year (tuition, dormitory, meals) Optimal Study Abroad Program for Students is undoubtedly the second choice to replace unsatisfactory domestic college entrance examinations. Operation of a prestigious state university in the United States after graduation from the state university, the program operates under the auspices of the State University Foundation and Mentoring Services.

Immigration through MBA (Canada, New Zealand, Finland, Ireland)

You now have the opportunity to complete an MBA with us. But is that all? No, you are also able to secure a job and your career which will lead to you obtaining your PR in countries like Canada, New Zealand, Finland and Ireland.

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