How to stay motivated?

Personal motivation is the key to maintaining almost all aspects of life. If we’re not motivated, we’re more likely to squander our time and neglect our personal and professional goals.

  1. Set Goals; both long-term and short-term

Set long term goals, split them up into smaller ones that you can achieve in a shorter amount of time.

  1. Get enough sleep!

Your will power is an exhaustible resource and this is known as eco depletion and a good night’s sleep is the essential key aspect of keeping your will power high.

  1. Get started.

Just do it. Something known as the Zeigarnik effect nags us until we complete a task that we have already started, so simply starting a task means you’re more likely to finish it.

  1. Surround yourself with motivation

Surround yourself with people who motivate you towards your goals. We’re always told peer pressure is bad but in case of making new habits; the people around can really help you.

  1. Take breaks!

Instead of working for two hours straight, try and focus for only 25 minutes with a scheduled break after this is known as the Pomodoro Technique is known to enhance mental agility.

  1. Eat Right!

Make sure you eat right; think back to a day when you were really productive what did you eat that day? Our bodies convert food into glucose which provides energy to our brain to stay alert but unfortunately not all foods are metabolized equally. Foods high in sugar released their glucose giving a rush of energy to the body then slumps off, while foods high in fat like a burger provides sustained energy they are also a lot of work on our stomachs which decreases the amount of oxygen in our brain and makes us feel tired.

  1.  Turn your goal into a habit

Often our goals don’t work out because they’re not specific enough instead break that goal down into a habit if your goal is to try and save money maybe you can make your own coffee instead of buying it.

  1. Start on a Monday!

Research suggests that we maybe more likely to follow through with our goals if we start on a Monday; temporal landmarks actually help us to separate our past failures. So a new week, a new me.