Why do I need TESOL Certification?

Why do I need TESOL Certification?

The Online TESOL course will equip you with the theory and skills to teach English as a second/foreign language at a number of different levels. The course covers a number of different ESL/EFL philosophies and approaches to teaching and attempts to discuss them in relation to current and relevant contexts. The course aims to teach the trainee teachers to develop and adapt materials and resources and encourages them to become independent, creative and flexible teachers.

TESOL certification will help you get your foot in the door when seeking employment in English Language Teaching and also give you the credentials needed for higher level positions and salaries in the field.

Our goal is that those who have qualified from the Online TESOL course will become proficient and confident English Language Teachers and achieve the career advancement they seek. It is also possible for graduates to gain support and direction in finding employment when they finish the TESOL course.

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