CIC Newsletter Volume 2 (Curriculum Services: Strong and Supportive)

Curriculum Services: Strong and Supportive


Faced with new challenges in education, the College President focuses on getting the job done by making sure that the curriculum is implemented and accredited. The first job to be done is get the  College Business Permit, the endorsement of the Technical Education for Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) and that of the Commission in  Higher Education( CHED)  for the students’ on line courses and in-class experience. 


To ensure that the College will have a leading curriculum edge in hospitality and culinary industry, it has partnered with on the students’ international internship program. The curriculum design is for students to experience a paid internship at major hotels in the USA such as Marriot, Hilton, Hyatt, Sheraton, and Crown Plaza, to name a few. The program ensures that the applicant gets the excellent exposure and experience from the best hotels or they get their money back


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