CIC Newsletter Volume 5 – Building Strong Partnerships

Welcome to Volume 5 of our Newsletter, The Pillar. The theme of this Newsletter is Building Strong Partnerships. This issue celebrates and recognizes the trust and vision of our Partners to collaborate with Concordia. This collaboration aims to expand our capability to deliver more robust and internationallyrecognized learning programs that will raise the competencies and improve the lives of more students. We reflect and support the standards of excellence of all our partner schools and institutions and we continue to identify new partnerships aligned with our academic goals.

Concordia International CollegePhilippines as well as the other Concordia locations are steadily growing in terms of student population and emerging dynamic partnerships. Kudos goes to the continuous support of our global Concordia teams in Canada, USA, Korea and the Philippines. To strengthen our linkages, we are soon coming up with a Global Newsletter that will highlight the latest developments and many events happening at Concordia across the globe.

These are truly exciting times!

Dr. Violeta Jerusalem

CIC Philippines

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