CIC Newsletter Volume 8 – Raising the Bar

President’s Corner


The past months have ushered more growth for Concordia- Philippines as we identify our other key areas for success :

a)Professional success of CIC-TESOL alumni through delivery of  ESL Programs

b)Optimization of our Institutional Partnerships

c)Development of new CIC Programs and

d)Continued Staff commitment and dedication to Concordia’s strategic directions

In this issue, allow me to acknowledge the following:

To our  Concordia – Philippines TESOL alumni who successfully taught the students from ULSAN COLLEGE – South Korea in July, 2012. Thank you for your determination and  willingness to deliver the CIC  ESL Program (English as a Second Language) and for applying what you have learned in our TESOL course.  The CIC TESOL on line course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) gives our alumni the opportunity to achieve academic and professional success in the global  society.

To our Concordia Staff  who have consistently given beyond themselves for Concordia. You have worked tirelessly to help deliver the strategic plans of our team. Concordia-Philippines does this by raising the standards of  existing diploma  courses and by developing new course/s attuned to the needs of the times.  

To our Partner Schools and Entities, thank you for your trust and partnership. We believe that an educational institution that learns quickly and can transfer knowledge rapidly and efficiently will have a huge competitive advantage in a global environment. We proudly partner with you as we work together toward the internationalization of education.

To one of Concordia- Global’s  Institutions – the Evergreen in Seoul Korea for driving change to develop highly skilled global workforce of the millennium. Through the creation of the Concordia University and the Concordia Foundation, we provide the global community with talented, skilled and proficient graduates who can contribute significantly to their  country of origin , in particular, and to the  world  in general.

I take pride in reinforcing  the programs of Concordia – Philippines  in  raising the  self esteem, confidence  and value of our alumni.  The  College mission in the Philippines is that we raise the bar – something that no one should be afraid to do!   



Concordia International College – Philippines

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