CIC Newsletter Volume 18 – Milestone

Grace Christian College held its 1st graduation ceremonies  in  Diploma in TESOL- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Diploma in TEC – Teaching English to Children. The milestone was attended  by  CEO of Concordia, David Kang , President of Grace Christian College, Dr. James Tan and  President of Concordia Philippines, Dr. Violeta Jerusalem. The graduates were  presented to the GCC Community during the school  Orientation Program held at the start of  schoolyear 2013-1014.

Grace Christian College is a partner of Concordia in  the  development of  programs   by using the  blended  learning  approach –  a balanced combination of  distance education  and face to face delivery of instruction.  Distance education is any form of organized teaching  and learning where the  student and the  teacher are physically separate and technology is used to bridge the instructional gap  (Westergaard, 2007).

Shown in photos are 16 GCC faculty and three college  students  receiving their diploma    in Concordia’s TESOL course. Grace Christian College  provided the use of classrooms and computer facilities during   instructions  while Concordia  provided the Canadian curricula in TESOL and TEC. The high encouragement and positive feedback from the GCC President Tan and the college’s managers were evidence of the success of the program.

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