Day 1 of Concordia Foundation Celebration

Three years has passed since the founding day of Concordia College of Benguet in October of 2013, and what better way to celebrate this event than having a three-day celebration filled with fun and lively activities?

The celebration started on October 4, 2016 and lasted up to October 6, 2016, and the theme of this year’s foundation day was “CONCORDIA, DREAM! STRIVE! SUCCEEED!

The first day of the celebration kicked off through a parade at the police outpost with the team mascot and team muse, and it was succeeded by an opening program that included a opening remarks from Concordia College of Benguet’s Honorary President, Mr. Jung Ho Ryu, the lighting of the torch, and the announcement of activities. The program was hosted by Shirley Janiola and Carl Jeffry Cabatu.

The competitions started after the opening program, and first of the many events was the very fun cheer dance competition, which began at 9:30 am. Two basketball games succeeded the cheer dance contest at 10:15 am and 10:45 am.

The latter half of the day, from 12:00 noon to 5 pm, was scheduled for individual and dual sports and games, and literary competition. The individual and dual sports and games included table tennis, chess, scrabble and word factory, while the literary competition was composed of the Math Bee, Science Bee, Spelling Bee, extemporaneous speech, and poetry and essay writing.

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