Day 2 of Concordia Foundation Celebration

The second day of Concordia College of Benguet’s Foundation Day celebration was allotted for the continuation of the basketball games and the start of the badminton and volleyball games. There were two basketball games from 8:00-10:30, the second one of which was the championship game.

After the basketball championship game started the volleyball games. There were four games in total including the championship match.

The last sport to be played for the day was badminton, which had four games in total.

The day didn’t end there, as the students had a privilege to attend a seminar on self-awareness in Room 702. It was a necessary and beneficial seminar for the students, as it taught them how to figure out their interests, reflect on their duties, and develop a better orientation towards life.

The students were divided into three batches. The first batch was for the old students (both stay-in and out), the second batch was for new students (stay-out degree program students), and the last batch was for senior high school and degree program students.


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