Concordia College of Benguet First Parents and Teachers Meeting

​In its three years of academic operation and since the opening of its Senior High School last August 2016, the first ever PTA meeting of the school was held last September 20, at the AVR Room 1:30 pm.
​The objectives of the PTA meeting were:

1. To introduce to parents the faculty and staff of Concordia College of Benguet

2. To establish closer ties with the community through the parents and guardian to able to provide harmonious relations among all stakeholders; and in effect will be beneficial to all

3. To provide an avenue for teachers and parents/and or guardians to discuss matters/ issues or problems concerning their son/daughter or ward.

After the introduction of the advisers, faculty members and staff, the parents were given orientation on the following:  admission policies and school requirements, financial responsibility of parents, library rules and regulations, student affairs concerns including policies on uniform, haircut, attendance and discipline.

The principal also oriented the parents on certain DepEd policies on curriculum, the voucher program, attendance of students in classes and the grading system.

During the open forum, many of the parents asked questions and clarified matters on certain issues arising from the topics discussed and they were satisfied with the naswers provided to them.

The second part of the meeting should be on election of PTA officers but due to the small number of parents who attended, the principal and the SAO officer decided to postpone the election for some other possible time as there was no quorum.

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