CIC Newsletter Volume 5 – In Focus

Make a Difference with

E L . C D

English Literacy for Community Development

As its advocacy, Concordia International College in the Philippines developed the EL.CD or the English Literacy for Community Development Program.

What is EL.CD     

The EL.CD Program is a Scholarship Program that:

(1) Promotes English literacy through a holistic learning approach that I will discuss in our next slide.
(2) It focuses
on teacher development by providing the knowledge and skills to effectively teach English and

(3) As a result, it empowers communities thru quality education.

Why develop English Literacy?

Promoting English literacy is at the core of EL.CD. Why is this important? One, because literacy lays the foundation for life-long learning and productive work. Second, because English is the lingua franca or the common language used by people who do not share the same mother tongue. Taken together, English Literacy therefore empowers the marginalized and makes community development sustainable as it opens the way for life-long learning and productive work that is globally competitive. It can help free people from the cycle of poverty – because the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go..

Why Teacher Development?

Aside from developing English Literacy, EL.CD also focuses on training our teachers. A popular Chinese proverb says “give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime”. EL.CD recognizes the ripple effect that teacher development will produce for community learning. One teacher can reach out to hundreds of students, changing their lives forever. But being able to speak English is not enough to successfully teach it. Teachers must have the knowledge and the practical skills to effectively teach and raise the level of their students’ English literacy. EL.CD provides this training…

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