CIC Newsletter Volume 5 – Good to know

why online classes are better

Computer technology has opened up a new world of learning opportunities for one and all. You hardly have a reason today to stay away from the fountain of knowledge that has literally walked to your doorstep.

Flexibility and malleability is a very attractive feature of online courses. In a regular class room, a student has to learn what the teacher has planned for the day. In online learning, you decide what you would like to study on a particular day.

Moreover, online classes are far less expensive than campus coaching. You get the same degree for far less than you would get through traditional system. The student also saves time, money and energy on transportation, as the classes take place at home itself. Online classes can be real fun. The availability of various audio-video clips as a course material makes learning thoroughly enjoyable. The online classes can provide a real cross-culture experience. The students also have an opportunity to share and discuss various topics through online message boards and blogs.

The biggest advantage of online classes is that one can easily earn and study together. Hence, no more drop outs from the school or college due to lack of funds or time! One can easily manage one’s time in such a manner that there is little scope of clash between one’s work and online studies. If the student is tired after day’s work, he can afford to have a siesta and start his online class when he feels like. This luxury is unimaginable in a regular class room. This facility surely increases one’s output and retention power.

Academic Help

Works Cited

Helm, Matthew and April Helm. Get Your Degree Online . New York: McGraw Hill

10 ADVANTAGES OF Taking online classes

Taking classes online is a popular way of working professionals to have the chance to earn a degree at their own pace. People who take online classes usually are looking for career advancement, career changes, or just want to finish a degree program they started at another college.

Earning a degree from an online college can lead to a promotion and/or salary increase, or prepare you for a new career. Even though classroom learning may be considered more traditional, online education is beneficial in its own right. Below are 10 advantages to online learning.

  1. Variety of programs offered
  2. Lower costs
  3. No sitting in a classroom
  4. Choosing study times
  5. Flexibility in completing assignments
  6. Options when returning to the workplace
  7. Balance job and class
  8. Avoid adverse weather conditions
  9. Specialized programs
  10. Transfer Credits

Online Education Database
Published on Tuesday 10th 2012 January 10-advantages-to-taking-online-classes

WHY E-lEARNING IS so effective

E-learning is hot. And for good reason. If done right, it can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Also, unlike a onetime classroom session, the e-learning course is available for others.  This includes the static e-learning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities.

1. E-Learning supports the organization’s goals a. improved training costs

b. Decreased material costs c. Increase productivity

d. Standardization

2. E-Learning supports the learner’s development a.Real-time access

b. freedom to fail

c. Improved retention

d. Personalized learning

3. E-Learning nurtures a learning organization and community

a. Ongoing access to resources b. Knowledge management

c. Encourage sharing  d. Employer of choice

The Rapid E-Learning Blog

February 2nd, 2010

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