CIC Newsletter Volume 7 – The P. Zone

The P.Zone

The latest news about our existing and new partnerships

CGCC Teachers take IC TESOL/TEC

On  June 16, 2012, 16 GCC teachers started their on line learning class in TESOL/TEC* with an activity to formally launch the  occasion. This is in line with Grace Christian College’s vision through the pursuit of excellence in internationalization and the development of  language  expertise. CIC President Violeta Jerusalem and Admissions Adviser Zarah de Veyra were accompanied by TESOL Teachers Joed and Cherry.
* The TESOL / TEC online series is one of Concordia’s flagship Teacher Development programs. TESOL means Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. TEC means Teaching English to Children. Both are delivered online.

MOU signing : CIC, CHS and Ulsan College

CIC-Philippines and College of the Holy Spirit are pleased to announce their partnership with Ulsan College** from South Korea.

Before the signing of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), CIC and CHS were introduced to Ulsan College. Each college were represented by their respective Presidents: Dr. Violeta Jerusalem (CIC), Dr. Felina Young (CHS) and Lee Soo-Dong (Ulsan).

** Ulsan College’s mission is to prepare students to become professionals with global capacity and creativity  by providing a top-quality career training  environment  through continuous education and to facilitate local and national industrial development with our resources and capacities. 

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